

Your Safe Space

CultureCare is a digital mental health platform for us, by us.

Healing the world,

One Community At A Time.

CultureCare connects communities of color to diverse therapists and resources. For therapists, we offer process automation, patients, and clinical resources so therapists can boost revenue and strengthen their clinical skillset. Interested patients can fill out our intake survey and receive unique matches to BIPOC clinicians. Our vision is a transformed culture built on the foundation of inclusion, education, and awareness surrounding mental wellness. 

Our Values


We uplift BIPOC voices

As a BIPOC-founded organization, we believe its important to recognize how mental health disproportionately impacts people of color, specifically low-income communities. 


We amplify mindful education as an avenue for socio-emotional wellness

Education is integral to reducing mental health stigma. This is why we offer 1:1 support navigating insurance for patients interested in seeking therapy services covered by insurance.


We prosper, together

Even though everyone’s self-care journey looks different. The best way to grow through what we go through is by healing together. 


We stand united

In addition to uplifting our community, we also recognize that BIPOC young adults in college and high stress industries like finance, technology, and consulting have struggled finding their own space. We believe that all girls of color deserve to feel belongingness, protection, and safety. Our organization believes if there’s no seats at the table for us, we’ll just make our own – and of us are invited too! 


Why? Because self-care is healthcare

Mental health is impacting our youth

GenZ is facing a loneliness epidemic as 1 in 5 youth experience mental health struggles

Over half of all mental health illnesses are developed by age 14

BIPOC youth are 80% more likely to not receive support that is critical to their development and health

BIPOC therapists are 3x more likely to turnover due to clinical burnout

BIPOC clinicians face unique struggles, and particularly Black women clinicians face additional stressors that contribute to turnover within the psychology field

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